
Why Beauty Matters

Graceful notes drifted on the breeze that evening from the harps of the elves. The star-filled sky reflecting in the still pool. 

Watching this video for the hundredth time,
 the call to live a life of creating beautiful things grew into a 
tumultuous roar calling out to my soul.

Even as I dreamed of what I could create, 
the faint nudge of reality tugged at my sleeve.
What value does beauty have?

Even as I imagined what I could create, the logical part of my brain grounded me with the question:

What value does beauty have?

Everyone loves beauty, That's practically the definition of beauty!

Google defines beauty as: combination of qualities that pleases the aesthetic senses.

I'm not trying to determine whether people like beauty.

What I want to know is does beauty help people?

Are novels, songs, and dances useful in the sense that farming, transportation, medical treatment,

housing and communication are useful?

I think art is practical, because art can inspire us to get things done.

Nothing makes washing dishes go by with more ease, joy, and glory, than listening to my favorite

music while doing them.

After reading the novel: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall  I was inspired to increase my vocabulary.

I actually went back through the book and looked up the definition of over 300 words I didn't know.

Besides inspiring us to do more of the productive things of life, art communicates.

The Animanicas - Presidents has taught me more about the presidents

than I learned in the rest of my days at school.

Finally, art is enchanting.

"As his feet dangled in the pool,
 he listened to  the water falling across the smooth stones.
He noticed a mushroom basking in the light of the sun.
He Inhaled the fragrance of pine wafting through the air."

Compare this to

He was in the forest.
He saw a mushroom.
He breathed so he wouldn't die.

Humans have the capability of rearranging the world around us into something beautiful. 

So,  I dare you to make something beautiful! If this post inspired you to create, let me know below!

Also if you think of any reasons why beauty matters, or why beauty doesn't matter, please tell me 

in the comments or email me at

~ Daniel